What are the characteristics of the floor heating circulating pump?

1. Simplify installation

In the case of natural circulation, the circulation pressure of the system comes from the difference in the specific gravity of water. The circulation pressure generated is usually only a few thousandths of the atmospheric pressure. Therefore, the presence of a bubble in the system will seriously hinder the realization of circulation. After using the circulation pump, the heating installation is greatly simplified.

2. Arbitrary layout

In the case of natural circulation, in order to ensure the circulation pressure of the system, the radiator and the stove must be separated from the necessary distance in the direction of gravity, thus causing problems such as "radiator hanging high" or "stove into the ground". With forced circulation, there is no need to consider the relative position of the radiator and the stove. Even if the stove is higher than the radiator, it will not affect the circulation of the system.

circulation pump

3. Optimize the system

Because the power of natural circulation is very small, very thick main pipes are usually used to reduce the resistance of the system. Even so, the system often has circulation or heat dissipation problems. After the circulation pump is used, the diameter of the main pipe can be appropriately reduced, thereby simplifying installation, optimizing circulation, and beautifying the appearance.

4. Save money

The biggest disadvantage of natural circulation is the low utilization efficiency of the radiator. Under normal circumstances, the temperature difference between the top and bottom of the radiator is more than 40 degrees. Using forced circulation can reduce the temperature difference between the radiator and the radiator. According to the calculation of the same heat dissipation, it is estimated that the heat sink can save 20-30%. In addition, due to the reduction of mains, each system can save a considerable cost.
